When Two Worlds Collide

Crossing Into the Mystic

Crossing Into the Mystic

Today’s culture is obsessed with the paranormal. The truth is, it’s not just “today’s culture” that’s fascinated with the supernatural. All cultures throughout time have been drawn to the unseen world. It’s all around us. I’m particularly intrigued with the Civil War era, and I have been for as long as I can remember. I’ve grown up in the South and can’t stay away from the old cotton plantations and antebellum mansions. Stepping across the threshold of a historic home for me is crossing into another world. I guess with my wild imagination, I feel such a connection with the people who lived and died right there. I get lost in the stories of their lives and long to travel back in time and experience life as they experienced (just for a day or two, mind you).

It’s no wonder that Crossing Into the Mystic, the first book in the The Crossings Trilogy by D.L. Koontz, drew me in like a magnet. For the record, before you think that I’ve gone off the paranormal deep-end, (more…)

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