Thanks“My life would be perfect if I just had             .”


If you’re like me you’ve already filled in that blank, and you’re tired of waiting. Let’s face it, waiting can be excruciating. We want what we want, and we want it NOW!!!


Here’s what I was thinking about this morning. God plants desires in our hearts, which He—and only He—will fulfill.


Because I’ve got an innate desire to control and make sense of my circumstances and the world around me, I tend to get carried away with filling in the details. I clutter God’s perfect plan with my details and then find them suddenly wiped away, like a cosmic eraser across my life, leaving me feeling helpless and hopeless.


The Good News is that God’s plans are written in indelible ink! They’re engraved on the palm of His Hand. God’s plans never change. It’s only the misguided details that I came up with that change.


The antidote to the worry of waiting is to wait expectantly: Wait to see what God will do, while believing that He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.


The future might not look like you think it will look, but rest assured that’s because it will be much better, far beyond your wildest dreams! You may be asking for a simple stone, a pebble would make you happy, but God not only is going to provide you with bread instead, but with a ten-course meal served at the most lavish banquet, the likes of which you can’t even fathom.


I have an image of children at home on a sunny summer day, searching and searching for a pebble they will never find.


Why get frustrated and waste their time trying to find it, when they could be outside playing, laughing, running through the grass barefoot, eating ice cream and riding bicycles? Dad will be home with their surprise, but He’s not home just yet. Let’s have fun and don’t worry about. Dad always comes through!


“Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Jesus is in the boat right next to you, in the midst of the storm, and He will instantly stop the emotional storm raging inside you in an instant if you let Him. There’s no need to panic.


The harder we try to control an outcome, the more we interfere with God’s plans. Step out of the way and let Him work!


The more the children call Dad and interrupt him at work, the longer it will take him to get his work finished and come home with their surprise.


When Abraham and Sarah took matters into their own hands when they thought they couldn’t possibly have a child in their old age, they caused a disaster from which mankind is still suffering the consequences. Once they stepped back and let God work, the seemingly impossible happened: Sarah gave birth to Isaac, and from his lineage was born The Savior!


What good does it do to be anxious and worried over something we can’t change?


Go outside and play!!! The house is clean and ready, the table is set, it’s time to enjoy the gorgeous summer afternoon!

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