The reason we’ve found ourselves in the position we’re in today as a society is because we’ve been bullied and forced into silence for fear of offending others. We value others and don’t want to cause a divide, so we’ve stuck our heads in the ground and tried to ignore it.

But guess what? While we’ve had our heads buried in the sand, a few fearless people have been kicking up the sand around us, and we are now exposed. We look around and find that the entire landscape around us has changed.

We’re at a crossroads in America right now. Each one of us has a choice: stand up for our beliefs with confidence, and speak the truth in love and without personal attacks, or do nothing and let others decide our fates for us. We can take action now to shape the world our children and future generations will be living in, or we can leave their precious lives in the hands of those who do speak out and take action.

Speak now, or forever hold your peace!

I’ve found that although speaking out is scary, good things happen! Jumping off the high-dive is exhilarating—the only terrifying part is climbing the ladder, walking out to the end of the diving board, and teetering on the edge trying to build up the nerve to take the plunge. I choose to jump with everything I’ve got (no graceful, calculated dives for me, I just jump—there’s less room for error). I will not turn around and go back down the ladder like a ‘fraidy cat!

What’s the point of going through the anxiety of making it all the way to the edge of the board, with everyone watching, and then not taking that final, invigorating and thrilling leap?

If you’d like an array of simple daily action steps you can take to make a difference in America, you’ll find them in my book, Exploring the Faith of America’s Presidents.

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